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Justin Bieber Wig Accessories for Halloween

The MTV VMA’s were recently aired, and the hostess was none other then the beautiful, wish we were her, Selena Gomez. Obviously that means that Justin Bieber was there, supporting his girlfriend, and of course accepting a well deserved award! But this isn’t too important, what I REALLY want to talk about is the LOOK.
Bieber is growing up to be one hell of stylish little man, gone are the skate clothes and HELLO sexy tight clothes. Justin Bieber’s look is so easy to replicate for Halloween it’s not even funny. So when you get the wig, remember he has so many outfits you can easily pull one together that resembles the Biebs in know time.

Justin Bieber Wigs - To get this look:

    -first get into the Bieber mindset, “I am sexy, I am sexy, I am sexy” should be your mantra for the next few weeks!
    -lets do this head to toe, make your eyebrows a bit bushier if needed, Justin eyebrows are coming in like a real mans! Just mess them up a bit and use some gel to keep them in place
    -His glasses will be easy, just find an old pair (maybe ask your grandparents) or go to a second hand shop and find some old frames, remember you can use prescription ones or sunnies and pop the lens out so you can SEE
    -Chains are an easy aspect as well, ask your girl friends, your sister, you mother or grab some at a second hand shop, just make sure they hang just until your man boobies. If they’re any longer you’ll look like a girl, and if they’re any shorter you’ll look like a cast member of Jersey Shore
    -grab a black tee from your tshirt stash, as I’ve mentioned before you should have these they’re essential to any wardrobe!
    -Now this might be the tricky part, finding a tight fitting “tux” like jacket might be a bit pricey, you could try the second hand store, H and M, Forever 21 and other stores like this
    -You could always carry a snake around, like Justin’s adorable Johnson, this just adds MAJOR costume points!
    -red pants are a must for this costume, and may be tricky to find as well, I would definitely try H &M , I know a lot of stores are carrying burgundy/maroon coloured pants right now and those would definitely do the trick!
    -grab a gorgeous girl and dress her up like Selena Gomez, you can’t be a pop star and not have a leading lady!